Berbahagia dgn Berbagi

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Prosedur memperoleh ijin mempekerjakan tenaga kerja asing (IMTA)

Prosedur Memperoleh ijin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing (IMTA) - artikel ini dibuat dalam rangka tugas belajar.

Regulation of the Minister of Manpower PER.15/MEN/IV/2006 amendment of Regulation of the Minister of Manpower
The Contractor shall submit to the Owner data on all personnel he intends to bring into Indonesia for the performance of the Works.
These data shall include the name and present address of each person, his intended assignment and responsibility in connection with the Works and a concise resume of his experience for the type of work to which he will be assigned. These data shall be submitted not later than sixty (60) days prior to their expected departure to Indonesia.
The Owner will review the information submitted and advise the Contractor of the acceptability of the personnel listed. Any personnel found to be unsatisfactory to the Owner shall be replaced with personnel satisfactory to the Owner. The Owner's approval must be secured prior to the withdrawal of any non-Indonesian personnel assigned to the Work. Requests for withdrawal shall include the reasons for withdrawal, the duration of the withdrawal or, alternatively, data on
the replacement personnel to be dispatched by the Contractor. If at
any time after arrival of non-Indonesian personnel, the Owner will notify the Contractor that any of them are in the Owner's opinion unsatisfactory, such persons shall be withdrawn and replacements satisfactory to the Owner shall be provided in clue time at the Contractor's expense.
Any expenses associated with illness of the Contractor's personnel, including replacement thereof, shall be to the Contractor's account.
Costs of passports, visas, travel documents, inoculations and other incidental expenses incurred by the Contractor's non-Indonesian employees and their dependents occasioned by travel to and from Indonesia shall be borne by the Contractor.

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